Incrypter's Youtube-ScamDatabase homepage

Page dedicated to my project, YT-ScamDatabase

View the Project on GitHub Incrypters/YT-ScamDatabase


Welcome to the database containing many scam channels and videos on youtube! I hope you find this list interesting and feel free to use the list as you wish. If you find any channels or videos that may not be scams and are incorrectly displayed, please make a post in issues and I will take a look and take action. Stay safe!❤️

How do I use/interpret the dataset?

Screenshot 2024-04-29 084209

For the .JSON format, the first ID is the channel ID and the second ID is the video ID. The video ID is shorter then the channel ID. Each video corresponds to the channel that uploaded it.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 084223

For the .txt format, the ID on top is the channel ID. It is longer then the video ID. The ID on the bottom is the video ID. Each video is uploaded by the channel ID above it.

For the raw Scam_URLs.txt file, you can click here link for the file (click me!).⬅️

For the filter list, you can click here link for the file (click me!).⬅️

How to add the database as a filter list into uBlock origin.

For steps on how to add the database URLs as a uBlock Filter, click me!

For other adblock services, just use the filter list URL provided above and add it to your custom filter lists.

Where does this data come from?

The data shown is collected from my very own Scam Scanner bot on my Discord Sever - Scam Finder. The bot uses specific search queries using the Youtube API on Google Cloud to find scam videos and channels. This repository serves as a hub to list these results.🙂

What are uses of this dataset?

Almost all of the dataset contains videos that promote malware. This makes the dataset a great way to find fresh malware samples for testing and cybersecurity purposes! Additionally, you may report these bad actors and try to take down videos and channels. This list may also be used in 3rd party applications to block these scam videos and channels from showing up.✅

Project that uses this dataset:

My friend created an extension that uses the dataset to help raise awareness about the scams on Youtube. You can check it out here.👈


Ways to contribute: